Super ingredients

Superfruits like Gac might not be known to many, especially to consumers in Singapore where such fruits are not commonly seen. However, these fruits have been around for centuries and the beneficial properties of the Gac fruit which has been explored and studied in modern times, offer evidence which suggest that their historical reputations bear truth. While these superfruits are mostly harvested in the sunny farms of Vietnam, FreshJoy is dedicated in bringing you nature’s heritage and health fruits specially crafted into a vinegar drink that would bring Joy with every sip.

History of Gac

The Gac Fruit is a superfruit that is extremely rich in antioxidants, beta-carotene, vitamins A, C, and E which have a myriad of potential health benefits. Gac was even used as a medicine in the 1400s in China, due to its cooling properties.  Called “Mubiezi,” it was used to treat liver and spleen disorders.

Moreover, Gac was also used in cooking, and was dubbed the “Fruit from Heaven. With its vibrant colour, Gac is used in traditional Vietnamese cuisine to celebrate holidays and special occasions. It is commonly eaten at weddings and New Year celebrations. The dark orange pulp expresses life, vitality, and longevity.

History of Vinegar

Do you know that Vinegar is as old as civilization itself? Evidence suggests it has been used in Egypt since 3000BC and some Babylonian scrolls even reveal that it was in use since 5000 B.C.

Vinegar was a mainstay in the medical practices of many cultures for centuries.

Since the late 18th century, vinegar has been used as a therapeutic agent to reduce obesity, cardiovascular diseases and digestive health.

In the past, Vinegar was used mostly for culinary purposes, as a flavorful, acidic cooking ingredient, or as a folk remedy that was used to improve digestion.

Hence, FreshJoy would like to evolve the traditional concept of a vinegar base while combining both a fresh taste and heritage in a healthy Vinegar Fruit Drink.