Fruits & Vege Vinegar Drink 750ml

Fruits & Vege Vinegar Drink

Fruits & Vege Vinegar Drink

The combination of natural fruit and vegetable flavour creates a clean and fresh note, blending with the vinegar’s tartness. Freshjoy Fruits and Vegetables Vinegar provides a convenient way to consume rich nutrients found inside fresh fruits and vegetables such as dietary fibre, vitamins and minerals. These are essential for growth and development of our body and its smooth functioning.


  • Provides antioxidant properties
  • Promotes good immune and digestive health


Water, Cane Sugar, Fruits & Vegetables Enzyme (Noni, Mulberry Concentrate, Carrot, Guava, Spinach, Passion Fruit), Pineapple Vinegar, Mangosteen Vinegar, Calamansi Vinegar, Prune Concentrate, Isomaltooligosaccharide (IMO), Stevia Leaf Extract (Steviol Glycosides), Luo Han Guo, Prebiotic (inulin)

Direction of use

•Shake well before drinking

•Best served chilled


•Store in a cool and dry place. Avoid direct light for optimal flavour and quality.

•Refrigerate once opened and consume within 2 weeks.

Pack Size

750ml bottle

Fruits & Vege Vinegar Drink

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